He spoke another parable to them, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three pecks of meal, until it was all leavened.” (Matthew 13:33 NASB)
The Matthew 13 parables
Every one of Jesus’ parables answers a significant life question. That question is usually made evident by the surrounding narrative context – the dialogue or action sets up the big idea Jesus then addresses through His memorable story. And in Matthew 13, the big idea is as big as they come!
Matthew 12 records the final rejection of the Messiah by the national leadership of Israel. Then Matthew 13 launches a spate of parabolic teaching designed to answer the huge query, “What is God doing now that the promised physical kingdom hasn’t come? The expected millennial kingdom is obviously delayed. Does that mean Jesus is off-track?”
And the answer is: “Not at all!” Jesus is actually fulfilling scripture related to the Gentiles and a form of God’s kingdom that is not inherently physical. The scribes called this “musterion,” a mystery form of the Messiah’s kingdom in which Gentiles also participate. Jesus is introducing the kingdom in a form predicted by the OT prophets but not fully grasped until now. Jesus is indeed building His kingdom.
That’s why Matthew 13 is full of statements like, “The kingdom of heaven is like…” Jesus is teaching His followers what this form of the kingdom is like. For example, in the leaven parable, we learn that God’s kingdom is inexorably and indomitably rising. Yes, Jesus will still establish the promised millennial kingdom to come. But He is also building a form of His kingdom now – one that will shoot through all the world and raise all of life.
So what?
I encourage us to think this all through, since doing so is amazingly encouraging. Because of the big Q&A in Matthew 13:
- We know God is at work according to His plan. I just got off the phone with a lady who has every reason to feel as if her world is falling apart. Yet she closed our chat by saying, “I’m so blessed to know God is in charge and working His sovereign plan. I don’t know how people survive without that assurance.”
- Gentiles and Jews can join in Jesus’ kingdom now. There is no waiting period, no hoops to navigate. One simply believes in Jesus to be made right before God.
- The reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated. (nod to Mark Twain) Sure, this world is full of wretchedness. So are our bodies & souls, which await the later kingdom for complete renovation. Things are dark and ugly all around and within. Yet, the doomsayers are utterly mistaken when they assume Jesus’ kingdom (as seen especially in His churches) is failing. Do not despair! Just because you can’t see leaven working, doesn’t mean the bread won’t rise.
God bless,
Rev. Dr. Michael Wayne Braudrick | Senior Pastor | Frisco Bible Church | 972.335.8150 | www.friscobible.com
“The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” I Timothy 1:5
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