Mankind, He has told you what is good
and what it is the Lord requires of you:
to act justly,
to love faithfulness,
and to walk humbly with your God. [Micah 6:8 HCSB]
I have recently been teaching Micah 6:8. The word we translate “faithfulness” (or lovingkindness or mercy) is the Hebrew term hesed. Here’s what I wrote in my notes as I was studying:
God’s short formula for goodness in Micah 6:8 includes loving חֶ֫סֶד hesed – in my opinion the most remarkable word ever coined in any language. Though translated faithfulness, mercy, or kindness, hesed is none of those; rather, it is a sense of all of them with an added conviction of moral obligation. It is a word that opens a brilliant window into the very character of God. Hesed is loyal lovingkindness that will not die. That is what I am called to love.
A beautiful example
If you would like to see a recent North Texas example of hesed, I recommend this link:
Fleshing it out
Hesed is committed love that is ever faithful. Studying the implications and applications of this command to love hesed, I developed a little acronym to help me live it out:
Honor commitments consistently.
Eliminate excuses for a disposable attitude.
Serve people as a personal ministry to God.
Ensure systems serve God & people.
Do not confuse enabling sin with hesed.
I pray that for us all – that we are lovers of and livers of hesed.