September 13, 2018 | Build To Last

Why do some last while others fall? This is one of the most important concerns in human societies. From ancient philosophers to modern business consultants, this is a driving question: why do some things that humans build endure while others leave little positive impact?

Considering all the available sources, led by the Bible, there appear to be three main requirements for building a life of positive, lasting impact:

  • Trustworthy core
  • Heart to serve
  • Humility

Whether it’s a corporation or a soul, these scriptural issues are what make the difference. I have just begun teaching on these and look forward to conversing with you about them in the coming days. To spark our thoughts, I have included a personal assessment and action guide below.

God bless,



Build to Last – Assessment

How well am I building to last? Please answer T or F to each question. Note this: if my answer is mixed or uncertain, I should answer “true.” In other words, if the question is partly true for me, it is to be marked as true.

  1. I sometimes skip church when the series or teacher doesn’t interest me.
  2. I do not know the names of those who sit near me in church.
  3. I have one or more areas of sin that I just excuse as “my normal.”
  4. I am rarely convicted by a Bible text.
  5. My only buddies in life are non-Christians or unhealthy Christians.
  6. I usually feel strained when doing good deeds.
  7. There are parts of the Bible that I think are wrong and should not be studied today.
  8. I have no one with whom I am totally honest.
  9. I have little or no desire to pray, unless I am in danger.
  10. I hide the fact that I am a Bible-believing Christian.
  11. The mistakes and sins of others bother me more than my own.
  12. I frankly doubt God’s ability to lead me better than I can myself.
  13. When uncertain about meaning of a Bible text, I never seek educated help.
  14. I am not committed to a Christian life group or an ongoing position of service.
  15. I do not experience God’s empowerment.


Build to Last – Scoring

Note the “True” answers according to these groupings:

1, 4, 7, 10, 13 – # true _____ (questions about holding to scripture)

2, 5, 8, 11, 14 – # true _____ (questions about joining in fellowship & service)

3, 6, 9, 12, 15 – # true _____ (questions about yielding to God’s Spirit)


Build to Last – Plan Of Action

As is likely evident from the questions, it would be wonderful for each Christian to score false on every question. However, that is very unlikely in an honest assessment, at least according to those believers among whom I piloted this survey.

If a person scored 2 or more “true” on any section of the assessment, he or she needs to work with the Lord according to the powerful Acts 2 combination of scripture, solidarity, and the Spirit. Any “True” answer likely indicates an area of need, but 2 or more represents a serious problem if you wish yourself & your church to be built to last. Here’s what I recommend, from scripture and my own experience.


If I am weak at holding fast to truth: 

  1. Engage now in a genuine Bible study or a discipleship group.
  2. Commit to weekly worship at a Bible-centered church.
  3. Start a “conviction list” of areas where:
  • I am weak in execution/application.
  • I think I might be misunderstanding or misinterpreting the scripture.
  • I find myself trying to rewrite the Bible.


If I am weak at growing together:

  1. Engage now in a Life Group and or a ministry.
  2. Determine to stay involved even though the people are as stinky as I am.
  3. Find at least one someone appropriate & healthy for each level of human interaction:
  • Acquaintance who knows your name and notices when you are gone
  • Buddy with whom to do stuff
  • Friend with whom to share dreams, wounds, defeats, & wonders


If I am weak at yielding to God:

  1. Engage now in a weekly time of prayer at church. If my church lacks a prayer room, I can surely find a quiet place for prayer.
  2. Commit to a daily set time of prayer & surrender.
  3. Keep track of the areas where I am most likely to:
  • Sin
  • Attempt to do good from my own flesh instead of God’s Spirit.
  • Slip into self-reliance.