October 16, 2014 | Moral Virtue

Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue (1 Peter 1:5 ESV)



Peter uses the word ἀρετή [arête] in 2 Peter 1:5 – a rich and fascinating word we translate “virtue.” It describes excellence in achievement and was applied to a dizzying array of arenas in Greco-Roman life including eminence in finances, feats of arms, and politics. However, the basic idea of moral excellence was always the heart of arete. At its core through the centuries, the word meant virtue.

Perhaps it is thus no surprise that arete and its meaning came under direct attack from revisionists. Such attacks are not merely a modern phenomenon. Virtue is always under revisionist attack – always has been & will be until Jesus returns. Yet even this side of heaven, the revisionists who want to change virtue away from absolute truth always and eventually fail.

2300 years ago, the city-state of Sparta worked very hard to redefine arete. They determined to shift the idea away from anymoral excellence and reduce arete to mean only military prowess. The Spartans horribly enslaved many peoples and called it “virtue.” The same nonsense occurred in the American old South, where slavery was seen as “virtuous.” It represented wrongheaded, creepy nonsense, but seemed nonetheless unstoppable. Sparta & the Confederacy appeared ascendant and unassailable.

Of course, such mis-castings of virtue continue to concern and even cow those who know truth in our age. For example, the US Supreme Court just allowed a circuit decision to stand – a choice that makes it a supposed virtue in many states for people of the same sex to live together in a state that society now calls “marriage.” God’s Word doesn’t waver on this nonsense. The Bible is quite clear that homosexual behavior is sin and that marriage is the union of one man & one woman for life. Yet, that biblical virtue is now being declared outdated and not in tune with the new definitions of arete. The City of Houston has even subpoenaed pastors’ sermons in a brazen attempt at intimidation designed to enforce their new revision of morality.

Please do not be unhorsed by all this. Remember that these seemingly-unstoppable re-definers will be defeated. Sparta was whipped by a truly virtuous Greek hero named Epaminondas. [He is an amazing leader worthy of your time to study.] Within a few years of Sparta’s defeat, arete had gone back to its real & full meaning of moral excellence. And the same thing occurred in this country. Within a few generations after the fall of the South, virtue was no longer tainted by the idea of slavery.

Therefore, those who know the absolute truth must not panic. The people who warp word meanings don’t last. Arete always comes back to its full value. Christian, do not be afraid of living virtuously and lovingly speaking out about virtue. Those who attack you are doomed because everyone who tries to change virtue will be defeated.