November 7, 209 | Building To Last


Construction is happening on the street behind my home office. On a walk this morning, I observed the workers pouring concrete for a house foundation. Deep holes in the ground make for strong pilings of concrete. A lattice of rebar forms a steel web holding the foundation together. They were doing great work, filling the pilings and surrounding the rebar up to the top of the forms. As I watched, I smiled at the dual images that scene brought to mind.

My first job was shoveling sand for my uncle’s concrete company. Starting at age twelve, I spent many summer days leveling pile after pile of sand for home foundations. In the ensuing years, I began to work the come-alongs, screens, floats, and edgers that shape the slab. It was a blessing to follow the lead of my uncle and his crew, learning the pride of building in such a manner that those homes would last.

More importantly, I was reminded that on Jesus, my soul is established. When I build my life on the firm foundation of Christ and His word, what is constructed cannot be destroyed. In a world of vacillation and uncertainty, Christians need to establish our lives on the core foundation of Jesus’ scripture, His church, and the Holy Spirit Jesus sends. Such focused building transformed our forefathers and can do the same for us. Following their lead allows us to rejoice in the amazing truth that Jesus’ universal, invisible church has endured and will continue to outlast all that can possibly be thrown at it.

Though written for businesses, Jim Collin’s bestseller speaks to individual life construction: “The only truly reliable source of stability is a strong inner core and the willingness to change and adapt everything except that core.”
– Jim Collins & Jerry Porras, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies.

God bless,
