November 24, 2021 | Gratitude Makes Us Undaunted

Thankfulness through suffering

Peter is full of gratitude, even as he leads Christians through suffering. He is grateful for temporal favor and eternal rewards granted by a benevolent Father. He gives thanks for God the Son, who makes a way for His redeemed. And Peter appreciates the blessing of God the Spirit, who is in and with Christians.

This Triune engagement makes all the difference. It turns even trials into triumph, raising the head of the downtrodden believer and focusing attention on truths present and to come. Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola understand this dynamic better than most. A confessing Christian, pastor Pohjola left his state Finnish church because it changed to fit society, rejecting the scripture’s authority. The small group of churches he helped start are growing mightily, something he explained in an interview with the American magazine The Federalist:

People don’t go to church for social capital now. This is a serious life, and they want to be serious with God. So churches have to build communities that stand on solid…biblical doctrine.

Members of the non-state churches gather on July 31, 2021 in Loimaa, Finland. (Erik M. Lunsford)

Gratitude makes us undaunted

“But, Pastor Wayne,” you are wondering in your internal Finnish accent, “I see the reasons for gratitude. It’s a very happy story. But, where is the suffering? You titled this note ‘gratitude makes us undaunted.’ What is daunting for these Finnish brethren?”

Great question! Thank you for asking. In 2004, Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor and longstanding member of the Finnish parliament, wrote a booklet titled As Man and Woman He Created Them: Homosexuality and the Challenge to the Christian Concept of Man. Pastor Pohjola endorsed the pamphlet as “biblically accurate regarding both the dangers of sin and the divinely given dignity, value, and human rights of all, including all who identify with the LGBTQ community.”

Seven years later, Finland added LGBTQ to the list of protected citizens under the country’s hate speech law. Räsänen and Pohjola were investigated then, but no charges were brought. Now, in late 2021, they are under a new investigation for thinking and saying things that are biblical. This time, the police have publicly stated that “our understanding of Finland’s Law would make publishing the Bible itself a hate crime.”

Now, do you see the suffering?

Yet, our brethren are full of joy and gratitude, as was Peter. They delight in the Triune God and His abundant blessings. And this thanksgiving helps give them the strength to stand.

Dr. Räsänen at the July 2021 gathering (Erik M. Lunsford)/Dr. Pohjola addressing Missouri Synod Luthern pastors in the US (The Federalist)

Juhana Pohjola spoke to this last week, writing:

We have to learn from the past, Christians who have suffered under persecution, and be prepared. But it’s not something to be worried about, because Christ remains faithful to His church and wherever he is leading us, He will come with us. He will provide everything that is needed for the future of His Christians and His church.

Amen. May we give thanks and stand strong.

God bless,