Why the delay?
That was the question a young man recently posed to me. “Why does God let this world go on in suffering and pain?” he wondered. And this guy was not mere spouting pessimistic jargon. During his nineteen years this fellow has endured more agony than most experience over a long lifetime.
This week, All The Difference podcast and radio begins our study of 2 Peter, which holds a brilliant and multi-faceted answer to that question. On image we will examine is related very well by my old boss, Dan Bolin. Dan tells the story of a ferry he had boarded, a people-and-vehicle mover between an island and the mainland. Passengers were becoming restless, because the ferry was still at the island dock though the time for departure was past. Just when the crowd reached a grumpy peak with folks complaining about missed appointments on the mainland, an ambulance came racing to the docks. Sirens blaring and lights flashing, Dan says the ambulance roared across the ramp, after which the crew quickly pushed off. Suddenly, everyone understood why the ferry captain had delayed. Dan wraps the story by saying:
As we look at a world full of turmoil, abuse, disease and conflict, it is easy to wonder why God is delaying Christ’s return. From God’s vantage point, he sees one more ambulance with one more needy person heading for the boat.
– Dan Bolin
God bless,