May 12, 2022 | Third Rail

Hot topics
Christians are to speak against evil on scriptural/moral grounds while at the same time sharing God’s grace with those committed to sin. In a recent NY Times op-ed, Pastor Tim Keller called this “the third way.” While there may be some flaws to Keller’s reasoning in the article, he is correct that we must be Christ’s ambassadors, speaking truth while caring deeply for each soul. For example, this leaves the Christian in position to love an eye-gouger while boldly standing against blindness. We see past the sinner’s pointed stick, speaking the message of rescue through God’s grace. Yet we never compromise on the scriptural stance against putting out other people’s eyes.

Third rail
The biggest problem for the Christian messenger usually comes from inside the body of Christ, which is the context in Ephesians 4:15 quoted above. Brethren who are emotionally vested in one aspect – either truth or love – will attack the Christian speaker when their “side” seems to be less-represented. Instead of “third way,” perhaps Keller should have called the biblically balanced approach to hot topics a “third rail.” [He lives in NYC where the subway’s third rail is the one full of electricity.]

For example, when I teach a passage that speaks clearly against abortion/infanticide, like Joshua 6:26, I will often receive angry notes from those who have had abortions or who are concerned about evangelism to the world. They fear I have uncompassionately shorted the “love side.” When I add a passage that speaks clearly about love and complete forgiveness, like Psalm 103, I will get shrillish comments from those who ache at the thought of each child murdered in the womb that day. They fear I have shorted the “truth” side.

As we speak the truth in love about abortion, eye-gouging, or whatever wickedness is the hot topic of the age, we must prepare for the electricity inherent in the third rail. Our brethren mean well and are faithfully speaking to what they see and know. When sparks fly, we must not react, but respond instead according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. CSB

God bless,