Practice determines performance
This Friday, ATD radio and podcast will release a new series based on Proverbs 25-29. These are Solomonic proverbs that were dusted off and republished hundreds of years after they were penned. Hezekiah’s scholars selected wonderful truths according to 10 great categories:
• Learning from the past to establish the present & future. 25:1; 27:12-13; 29:18
• Humility. 25:6-10; 27:1-2; 28:26; 29:13, 23
• Dealing with authority. 25:2-5; 27:18; 28:2-3; 29:2, 4, 12, 25-26
• Words/Speech. 25:11-16, 25; 26:20-28; 27:21; 28:23; 29:5
• Community. 25:17-20; 26:18-19; 27:9-11, 14, 17
• Conflict. 25:21-24; 26:17; 27:4-6, 15-16; 29:25
• Self-control. 25:26-28; 27:8, 19-20; 29:1, 3, 8-9, 11, 15, 17, 20
• Fools. 26:1-12; 27:3, 22 (slackers covered in 26:13-16; 29:21)
• Righteous use of money. 27:7, 23-27; 28:19-22, 24-25, 27; 29:7, 14
• Trouble-makers/wickedness. 28:1, 4-18, 28; 29:6, 10, 16, 24, 27
We will study each of these themes, drawing from every verse in the collection. As we do so, please remember that these are not about instant transmogrification. They instead show us how to slowly and steadily grow in the Lord. Hezekiah’s collection reveals that how we practice determines how we perform. This assemblage of Solomon’s greatest hits takes a mature approach to life, anticipating great legacies achieved through regular wisdom.
It’s an honor to study with you, and I pray for you and your legacy as we grow up together. Please let us know specifically how you are applying these practices in order to make your positive impact permanent.
God bless,