June 17, 2021 | Scripture And Science

Christianity and science
I was recently honored to teach on the interplay of the Bible and science, showing that what we call science is a direct outgrowth of wise scriptural understanding. In response, I received this uplifting note:

I was very excited to hear the message on science and Christianity this week. The message was so right. As a young man, I was purposefully agnostic. I didn’t know and I didn’t want to know about Truth. While I was far from Him, the Lord brought me to a point where I realized I could not continue without knowing what was true. So, by the grace of God, I set out on a quest for knowledge in my early thirties. I was afraid of what I might find. Either there was a God or there was not, and both were equally terrifying (at the time)! Somehow though, God prepared my heart to follow the truth wherever it might lead. This personal search led me to return to college and pursue science. I did not expect that search to lead me straight into the arms of a loving God. Every step of the way, I was delighted (shockingly) to discover that God’s Word and his creation are not only compatible, but fundamentally entwined. The God of the Bible must also be the God of the real world and that is exactly what I found! The same qualities He gave me that made me a good scientist led me straight to His Son. Now I work in cancer genetics and see His fingerprint in His creation every single day. What an awesome God we serve! We need not fear Truth. “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me” John 18:37.

God bless,