June 10, 2021 | The Charge

Apology Accepted
Last Sunday, our church ordained two new Elders for the church board. The charge given by FBC chairman Paul Hahn stirred us, and I requested a copy of his words to share with you. His charge reminded me of educator Mortimer Adler’s dictum that “the best education for the best is the best education for all.” In the same way, this commission is not merely for Elders, but a scriptural reminder for all Christians:

I charge you to be courageous in this world – a defender of the faith, always ready to give a reason for the hope within – knowing that eternal rewards have temporal costs.

Be courageous with your fellow elders; never hold back just because your view differs. Your perspective may have eluded your fellow servants. But speak out in humility, not to have things go your way, but to ensure the board has the “full counsel of God.”

Be wise in the Word & the world:
In the Word, study to show yourself approved unto God, that you need not be ashamed; and be doers and not only hearers.
In the world be vigilant, that you may stand against the wiles of the devil and guide God’s flock accordingly.

Love God’s children as you do your own. Joy in their accomplishments, stand beside them in their trials, and lovingly correct them when they stray from the Truth.

In all things, follow hard after God, toward the goal that His Name is exalted in all the earth.

God bless,