“But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the Lord.” (Jonah 1:3 ESV)
One of the graphic lessons in Jonah chapter 1 is that God will achieve His purposes. We are blessed if we join in obediently and corrected if we flee. Yet regardless of how He directs and develops us, God will accomplish His will.
Recognizing that truth in my study of Jonah, I was reminded how it influenced one of the wisest American Christians – Jonathan Edwards. Before his 20th birthday in 1723, young Jonathan penned 70 resolutions. He based each on scripture and then read these life-guiding declarations at least once per week for the next 35 years. [That’s more than 1800 reminders of biblical purpose before his death in 1758.] Consider his introduction and these two resolutions, which speak to the heart of Jonah:
Jonah/Nahum I have just begun teaching through Jonah and Nahum. We’re studying these two prophets together because these two who speak “To Nineveh” give us a remarkably full picture of the mercy and justice of God. If you are interested in reading through my background notes, they can be accessed HERE. Study curriculum Some remarkable writers at the church where I preach [Frisco Bible Church] craft fantastic curriculum to go along with each message. If you feel led to learn through Jonah & Nahum in your personal devotion, Life Group, or group Bible study, you can access the curriculum HERE. Whatever Happened to Manhood? We are beginning production of a new video-based Bible study using a series I did last year on biblical manhood. If you live in North Texas, you are invited to join us for the six-week study discussion and filming on Wednesday evenings beginning January 14. |