January 17, 2019 | No Longer Isolated



Saddest sentence
Ephesians 2:12 may be the saddest sentence in literature. The honest appraisal by God’s Apostle is raw and realistic, covering a series of horrors that are the default setting of life. Without acceptance of God’s grace, people are without hope and without God in the world. The loneliness and isolation from all that good is heartbreaking.

Amazing change
Enter verse 13. Those who are in Christ Jesus [by context, those “in” Jesus have trusted Him as Messiah, believing on His sacrifice and resurrection for salvation] have been brought near. We are close to God the Father because of Jesus, God the Son. No longer isolated, no longer hopeless, no longer foreigners, Christians are an eternal part of God’s redeemed community.

I thank God for this incredible shift from hopeless to assured. And I praise God for being in His community with all of you..

God bless,
