As we begin studying the parables of Jesus on the All The Difference podcast and radio, here is a great general reminder from Ken Bailey:
Jesus was a metaphorical theologian. That is, his primary method of creating meaning was through metaphor, simile, parable and dramatic action rather than through logic and reasoning. He created meaning like a dramatist and poet rather than like a philosopher.
– Kenneth Bailey, Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes
And that meaning changed lives! Look at Galen’s fascinating comment from the 2nd century:
We see the people called the Christians drawing their faith from parables…and yet…have attained a pitch not inferior to that of genuine philosophy. – Galen, from his lost Summary and Commentary on Plato’s Republic written ca. 140 AD (fragment preserved in Aramaic)
Ha! Truly we can gain understanding through parables – an understanding that is not only genuine, it exceeds any philosophy.
God bless,