February 19, 2015 | Treatment of Jews

“For the Lord will restore the majesty of Jacob,

yes, the majesty of Israel,

though ravagers have ravaged them

and ruined their vine branches.”

 (Nahum 2:2 HCSB)



In Nahum 2, the Lord is dealing with a rebellious Assyrian people who have thrown aside God Himself and His truth. Yet in the middle of His prophetic, taunting declaration about Nineveh, the Lord makes it clear that He is also dealing on behalf of His abused people.

Remember – especially those who tend to hate modern Israel – remember how zealous God is for His Jewish people. We may and sometimes should disagree with human Israeli governments. Yet we mustn’t ignore the truth that God means His promise to judge everyone based on how one treats Jews.

For example, a dummy named Balaam once tried to curse Israel. Instead, God forced a blessing out of that prophet’s mouth. God made Balaam restate the unconditional declaration that the Lord had shared with Abraham …

“He [YHWH] crouched, he lay down like a lion,

and like a lioness; who will rouse him up?

Blessed is everyone who blesses you [Israel],

and cursed is everyone who curses you.” (Numbers 24:9 NRSV)

God exercises vengeance for the Jews, a truth that applies to all time and is sorely in need of remembrance today. Throughout the Bible there are both a positive and a negative side to this vengeance:

Positively, God’s love is shown in the Jewish Messiah – the only real lion. Unlike the false “lions” of Assyria who are mocked in Nahum 2, Jesus is an interminable lion. He is the lion of the tribe of Judah who calls Hebrews & Gentiles to follow Him in everlasting life.

Negatively, God’s love is shown in how He promises to punish those who pick on Jews.

Therefore, while aching for victims of anti-Semitism, please remember to pray for Jews and Gentiles to receive the real life that only comes through Messiah Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah. And pray for those who abuse Jews. Unless they repent, their future looks very grim. Jesus is not a tame lion, and He will repay.