“Now as the church submits to Christ, so wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.”
[Luke 12:48 HCSB]
Family reform
Recently I led a study of familial reform, especially emphasizing the need to continually keep re-forming our relationships in our families. When we rely on the Lord, it shows in our commitment to do the hard work required to keep family relationships ever fresh.
The responses were very edifying, and two in particular struck me as likely helpful to many of us:
The scriptures about family sparked me to keep influencing all our “weird” relatives. That’s what I wrote down as my commitment, and whether it actually helps those black holes in our extended family or not, I know the effort will help reform me. Of course, I won’t violate healthy boundaries…but I do need to show God’s love instead of pretending those people don’t exist. – a lady
Wayne, the need to stay ever fresh doesn’t require me to learn new things. At least much of the time, I know what to do. I just need reminded to actually do it…to approach my family with new zeal for the tried and true things I know but still neglect to implement. After church Sunday, we signed up to attend the Weekend to Remember coming in March [to Frisco, where we live]. You might want to encourage others to do so as well. – a man
He’s right! Family Life’s Weekend to Remember is a fantastic way to receive motivation as well as information. Here’s a link to their upcoming conferences: www.familylife.com/weekendtoremember