February 11, 2016 | Glorification Illustrations

“This is why I endure all things for the elect: so that they also may obtain salvation, which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” 2 Timothy 2:10 (HCSB)
Recently I was honored to teach on some glorification passages in 2 Timothy. As always, the letters I received were insightful and encouraging. A few shared very intriguing illustrations of what they were learning that I think will motivate us all:
From a college student in Oklahoma:
“You are correct in [that] we often fail to emphasize our glorification, which Paul says is the reason he’s even running! I greatly appreciate the reminder. I used my own example of this when talking to our college group … I moved into a house a mile from campus and got a bike so I could ride to class. Often times when it’s windy and cold and I’m going uphill, that mile hurts and it’s exhausting! But if I don’t keep pushing, I will be late to class, and many of my classes have an attendance grade. Because of that motivation, I keep pushing through the pain and go to class anyway. This is how glorification should be. If we remember that there are eternal consequences for our faithfulness, we may not be so quick to get off the bike.”
From a businessman in Frisco:
“That [text] gave me a fire in my belly to go after the spiritual disciplines and invest my time seeking godliness. While thinking about the bema seat rewards, it struck me that all of this effort I am putting into the disciplines and my relationship with God almost equates to a retirement plan.”
From a physician in Indiana:
“In the endurance race to our glorification, I am running every day – physically and spiritually. By God’s grace, I continue to endure with my eyes on the prize!”