“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:38 NASB)
An old Scotsman
As a new Christian I attended my first missions conference. The speaker was an old Scotsman, William McElwee Miller. His accent and stories were fascinating to this pre-teen boy from Oklahoma. I was captivated by his accounts of life in the Middle East, sharing the love and good news of Jesus Christ with Muslims.
As I reflect on that first missions encounter, it’s remarkable that I have myself taught in many of the places of which Dr. Miller spoke. I have even met people who came to Jesus through the work of his mission. And at least part of what God used to engage me in that wonderful work was the little missions festival at our little church in Nichols Hills, OK.
Missions Festival
This weekend, I will stand up front at our church in Frisco, Texas, and pray over the launch of the 2013 missions festival. Admittedly, it will be a much larger affair than the one of my childhood. There will be dozens of supported missionaries…multiplied amazing stories of God’s great work…tons of great food…many hundreds of people…
And yet the main issues haven’t changed. In fact, they are the same heady blend that has excited God’s people since the church in Antioch sent out Paul & Barnabas:
– People will learn about the amazing things God is doing all around the world.
– Love will be rekindled as Christians remember that our community includes a commission.
– Prayer will again be employed in the cause of the gospel.
– And some boy or girl will develop a lifelong heart for the harvest.
Ya’ll come!
If you are anywhere near Frisco, Texas this Sunday 17 February, I personally invite and encourage you to come to the party. For you – and untold others – it can make all the difference.
God bless,
Rev. Dr. Michael Wayne Braudrick | Senior Pastor | Frisco Bible Church | 972.335.8150 | www.friscobible.com
“The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” I Timothy 1:5
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