“And when he learned of Mordecai’s ethnic identity, Haman decided not to do away with Mordecai alone. He planned to destroy all of Mordecai’s people, the Jews, throughout Ahasuerus’s kingdom …”It is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them. If the king approves, let an order be drawn up authorizing their destruction.”
(Esther 3:6, 8-9 HCSB)
Haman’s “final solution”
Haman’s dedicated hostility is astounding. The Jews have been conquered, their land stripped away. Only a small part of what God gave them is back in their hands and new peoples control almost all of the Middle East. Israel is just clinging to a tiny area and are totally surrounded by hostile forces. Most Jews don’t live in Israel and most of them are not at all religious. Only a few, like Mordecai, trust YHWH.
And yet they are all at risk because of hatred and racism. Haman is only the tip of the spear. A decree like this doesn’t get implemented if anti-Semitism weren’t widespread.
The latest “final solution”
Doesn’t this sound familiar? Surely you have noticed the insane rise in anti-Semitism – especially on US college campuses, in the Middle East, and in Europe. The talented journalist Brett Stephens has. In his weekly world affairs column, “Global View,” Mr. Stephens notes this chilling reality:
That’s Haman! He sees no need to negotiate with or understand Mordecai because he feels confident he can get the world power to just wipe those Jews out. Think, friends. Both modern Israel and Jewish persons are capable of all kinds of wrong and must be held accountable. Yet, when the rhetoric stems from a dedication to deny Hebrew people life and land, we must note and repudiate the work of Haman and his ideological progeny.