So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up; and going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase. (Acts 9:31 NASB)
Wonderful blessings Today, I am thanking and praising God for the ways He’s blessing our redeemed community. God’s Word is transforming the lives of more and more people in our neighborhoods. The Lord is also revealing more clearly to us the ways we can faithfully serve Him. It’s awesome! All this is on my mind because the church I lead is going through a big transition. We are adding another service to make room for more kids. God commands us to fulfill our ministry, and examining just one of our local school districts reveals why we need to expand. This week the Frisco ISD will welcome 49,500 students – over 3000 more than they had in June. If we want to love those kids, we had better make room. Of course, we will keep same Frisco Bible Church tone. Our values are unchanged and we will continue to be the same redeemed community doing the great commission by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. Yet whenever you have a transition in a group of people, humans have to pray and think through their engagement with the group. This is natural. It’s always possibly that some people may disconnect. That’s OK. Of course, lots of others will grab the opportunity to engage more deeply. Please prayIf you have a moment, I ask that you pray for each group. I know that many of you don’t worship physically with me at FBC, but your prayers are a great blessing to us. Ask the Lord to make us ever-more effective at reaching those in need. Pray for those who disconnect, that God will guide them to a great home. And pray that we keep finding ways to make room for God’s people. Amen! |