August 13, 2020 | Taste And See The Goodness

What provision!
This morning, our family enjoyed a wonderful breakfast. We devoured eggs, bacon, and grits washed down with orange juice and a pot of tea. Then we lingered over and delighted in all the summer fruits covering the table – delicious strawberries, grapes, blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, and cherries.

Last night we entertained friends who brought over champagne grapes, prosciutto, and four kinds of wonderful cheese. We washed all that down with yummy Italian crème sodas. And as I type this in midafternoon, I am savoring some great chocolate with another cup of excellent tea.

David was thinking of much more than food or drink when God commissioned Psalm 34. Nonetheless, it is instructive that food plays such a large part in our understanding of God’s provision. Except for breathable air, food and drink are the most constant needs for human life. Thus, from Moses to Revelation scripture uses food as an image that encapsulates all of the Lord’s amazing endowment for His people.

We are commanded to taste and see YHWH’s goodness, to take refuge in Him. That goes far beyond food and is even richer than my favorite Wedding Breakfast tea. But there is a reason for the connection in our minds. When I eat – whether much or little, stale saltines or fresh bread – I have a perfect opportunity to stop and praise God. To think about His incredible provision for me in the Father’s power, the Son’s sacrifice, and the Spirit’s presence. That understanding makes every moment take like fresh summer fruit.

God bless,