April 3, 2014 | Find It In the Word

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1 NASB)


We received some great mail this week, as usual! The inbox especially contained some wonderful insights regarding a study of 1 John 4 at Frisco Bible.

Find it in the Word

Pastor Wayne, do you remember the old song by Farrell & Farrell, “Find it in the word?” Verses 1-3 made me think of that old lyric:

There are those who will tell you that they know for sure

There’s more than what is in the Book.

But since Jesus is the Author of our faith,

They better take a second look.

You’ve got to find it in the Word, my brother

Find it in the Word.

Makes no difference what you’ve heard

You’ve got to find it in the Word.

This is serious

Wayne, Deuteronomy 13: 12-18 is a stunning judgment on people led astray by false prophets to worship other gods. God’s anger is truly fierce. I don’t judge my own idolatry by that standard. But after reading this I know I should.

You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4 NASB)

There is always hope

Dad [this note came from my son], I was thinking through verse 4 and the ever-present battles of life. This came to mind:

The grim dawn sky is welcoming in the dismal tide

At these times we feel the dark

But we also know there is always hope

To rebuild

There is always hope

To overcome

To become a man of truth and love

I read a passage from scripture that speaks to me

I read Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope

Patient in affliction

Faithful in prayer

There is always hope

There will always be affliction

And your prayers will always be answered

In one way or another

Have joy

Be patient

Have faith

Hope is always there